総本部・尚道館 曽川和翁 宗家先生 宛
<Before sending your mail>
Please notice that your mail will be read by the Great Master ( Soukei sensei) himself so that you should write your mail carefully, use the most polite words to show your respectfulness to him. By doing so, you can also show that you are a well-educated person to the Great Master.
If you cannot write your question in an E-mail but need an air mail in order to keep your secrets, for instance, please write the address given belows on an envelope with a 140 yen stamp for replying.
In case you are out of Japan, please pay for international replying cost in advance.
〒 802-0985
6, Shii, Kokuraminami-ku, Kitakyuushuu-shi 11-13
Even if you are a foreigner, try to write in Japanese, please do NOT write in English and/or any other languages. You should learn Japanese before practicing Japanese martial arts as the first step to know how to behave in practicing the Way of Martial Arts. Rudeness should be refrained from the very beginning.
Thank you for your kind attention.
Daitouryu dot com administrator.